Police & Neighbourhood Watch Notices
Introducing your new community support officer
Damon Young (to contact him ring 101)
Recent burglaries on Abbotswood in 2017
You should be aware that, this year in 2017, there have been two burglaries and one attempted break in on Abbotswood. In each case the incidents involved forced entry and, in one case, the use of a ladder which had been taken from an unlocked garage. Burglars will not travel fully armed and tooled. They will look for ladders, and any tools to help them break in, when they arrive on site. Clearly it is therefore sensible to keep your tool sheds, garages and out buildings fully secured and locked up at all times and perhaps included within the alarm system. These days, the most effective deterrants are CCTV, PIR detectors operating exterior flood lights, window locks and alarm systems linked to a call centre. Residents are urged to remain vigilant and to report any suspicious activity immediately to the police.
Residents asked to remain vigilant following bank related fraudster scams
Surrey Police is warning residents to remain vigilant following an increasing number of reports of scams involving fraudsters obtaining bank details, cards and cash using bogus telephone calls and couriers across the county.
On each occasion the victims reported receiving phone calls from someone claiming to be a police officer and attempting to convince them to hand over large amounts of cash or bank cards.
The offenders are claiming to be from the police and are using a variety of pretences including saying that the victims bank card has been used by somebody who is in custody. They are then asking the victim to phone the bank to cancel the card and advising the victims that they will send a courier round to collect the card.
Meanwhile the fraudster is staying on the line and obtaining the victims bank details whilst they think they are phoning the bank. The courier then calls at the victims address saying they have been sent by the police to collect a parcel – the envelope containing the card.
Fortunately, the victims in the most recent offences all realised that the calls were part of a scam and refused to pass on any bank details, such as PIN numbers, or allowed their cards or cash to be taken. Other victims have been less fortunate and have lost significant amounts of money
Surrey Police asks that if you have elderly or vulnerable neighbours that you remain alert and if you see them being approached by unexpected visitors, check who they are and ensure that they are a legitimate caller.
Police Officers and banks do not operate in this manner and would never request a customer to confirm their PIN details over the phone. Anyone who receives a suspicious call, either on the phone or in person, is urged to not give any details and report the matter to the police.
Surrey Police advises the following:
- NEVER give out any personal information about your bank account to anybody over the phone.
- If someone calls claiming to be a police officer, ask for their identification number, police force and their telephone extension. Advise them that you will call them back on the 101 number. If possible, use a different phone, i.e. a mobile phone if the call was received on your landline.
- Never hand over money or bank cards to someone at the door to be sent off elsewhere.
- If someone comes to your door claiming to be a police officer, always ask to see their police identification card and take note of their identification number. A real police officer will not mind waiting outside while you call 101 to check if they are genuine.
If you have received any calls of this nature, or handed over any money, bank cards or bank details, please call 101 or visit www.actionfraud.police.uk
Two attempted burgularies on Abbotswood
Unfortunately we have to report two recent break-ins on Abbotswood within the first week of June 2013. In each case the burgulars have jemmied open the garage doors at 13 and 15 Abbotswood. Please be extra vigilant and report any unusual activity to your local residents association as well as the police.
Distraction burglary in Merrow
Surrey Police officers are investigating following a distraction burglary which took place in Merrow last Thursday evening (4 April). A woman went to the address of an 84-year-old man and managed to con her way into his house by saying her car had broken down and that she needed some water. The victim went to get the water and when he came back, the woman had disappeared. He later realised his wallet, containing cash and cards, was missing.
The female suspect is described as white, in her 20s, between 5ft 6 and 5 ft 7 tall, of slight build with shoulder-length dark hair and was wearing a white tracksuit-style jacket with green or blue flashing. It is believed she was with a man just before the theft took place. He is described as white, in his mid to late 30s, between 5ft 6 and 5ft 7 tall, of a slight build with dark, short, thinning hair and was wearing black clothing and blue or green trainers.
Detective Constable Andy Greaves, who is investigating the incident, said: "Pretending your car has broken down and you need hot water is a classic ruse which, unfortunately, on this occasion the elderly victim fell for. We do have good descriptions of the two suspects involved in this despicable offence and we are hoping to be able to identify those who are responsible. In the meantime, we are appealing to anyone with any information to come forward as soon as possible to help us progress our enquiries.”
If you can help, please contact Surrey Police on 101, quoting crime reference number GD/13/2697 or, if you prefer to remain anonymous, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
New Neighbourhood Specialist Officers
PC 4658 Claire Williams is your new Neighbourhood Specialist Officer (NSO) for the Merrow and Burpham areas. She has also been joined by PCSO 15010 Hannah Buckley, the new Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) for Merrow. Along with PCSO 13331 Charlie Mullard and PCSO 13580 Clare Stewart, we make up your Safer Neighbourhood Team. They have taken over this role from PC 4623 Alice Bennett and PSCO Mikki Mayhew who have both transferred elsewhere in the Force.
There are 106 dedicated Safer Neighbourhood policing teams throughout Surrey. Each team, led by a Neighbourhood Specialist Officer and supported by one or more Police Community Support Officers, has
detailed local knowledge and works to resolve the issues raised by those who live in its neighbourhood areas.
In the Merrow and Burpham area, we work with local partners - councils, housing trusts, schools, colleges, religious groups, businesses, youth workers, wardens, private security companies,
Neighbourhood Watch schemes and other volunteer groups – the aim is to create safe and confident communities.
Each neighbourhood’s priority issues are identified by local people at regular Neighbourhood Panel meetings and Police Surgeries to which you can come along and have your say. Safer Neighbourhood
Teams also regularly report back at these meeting on what progress has been made in tackling these issues. Updates are also made on each team’s dedicated page in the ‘Your Neighbourhood ’ section of
the Surrey Police website.
Each team also publishes a Safer Neighbourhood newsletter twice a year, delivered to every address in its area. The newsletter updates on the current work of team, shares vital crime prevention advice, gives the dates of forthcoming Panels and Surgeries and lists the contact details of local team members.
Thousands of pounds worth of gardening equipment stolen in Guildford.
Thieves are breaking into sheds and stealing everything from lawn mowers to fencing panels. The contents of sheds and garages can mount up to thousands of pounds and a little time spent on improving
security could save a huge cost and the inconvenience of having to replace items and repair damage.
Items such as tools, garden furniture, lawnmowers and bicycles can be marked permanently with name, postcode and house number. Register valuable equipment at www.immobilise.com or photograph items and take a note of make and model and any serial numbers. This helps with identification if items are stolen or recovered.
Items can also be marked with smart water.
Make sure that any gates are properly locked and that boundary fences are checked regularly for any damage. A battery operated shed alarm can be easily fitted that makes a lot of noise and only costs
around £15. As a further deterrent you could consider installing outside lighting which comes on only when people are present.
Delivery scam targets innocent householders
The latest scam to sweep across Surrey is where fraudsters obtain addresses of innocent householders in order to have expensive computer equipment delivered which they can then collect. The majority of incidents have occured in West Surrey, including Farnham, Haslemere, Camberley and Guildford.
The scam works by the fraudsters obtaining names, dates of birth, addresses and telephone numbers of innocent householders and setting up Littlewoods accounts using these details. They then order expensive computer equipment, like iPads and laptops, which are sent to the addresses. They then telephone the householders, claiming to be from Littlewoods, saying that a parcel has been wrongly delivered to their address and make arrangements to collect the items. The fraudsters who collect the parcels claim that they work for Littlewoods and are described as male, black, in their 30s and wearing high visibility jackets.
If you have fallen prey to this scam and have any information which could assist this investigation, please contact PC Jenkins immediately on 101, quoting crime reference number SH/12/1043. Alternatively, if you do not wish to leave your name, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
More break-ins to vehicles in Abbotswood and Ganghill
The police have reported two more recent thefts in the area. Apparently last Friday 23 March tools were stolen from two contractors vehicles left unattended. Both incidents occurred late in the morning in Ganghill and in Abbotswood. Residents and local contractors are urged to ensure that all vehicles are locked while unattended.
Car break-in on Abbotswood
There has been a report of a break-in to a car parked in the Spur Road on Saturday 4th February. The culprit smashed a side window to steel an ipod from the glove compartment. The robbery took place in broad daylight so residents are advised to be extra vigilant.
Recent attempted break in on Abbotswood
The police have informed me that there has been a reported incident of an attempted break in to a garden shed in the early hours of Friday morning 2 December on Abbotswood. Residents are advised to be extra vigilant and ensure that garages and outbuildings are properly secured.
Rogues Gallery launched to trace individuals suspected of committing crimes and to name and shame convicted burglars
Surrey Police have launched a new section on the Force’s website today to trace those both wanted and suspected of being involved in various burglary offences across the county. The section also names and shames those recently put behind bars.
The Rogues Gallery is split into three sections - 'Behind Bars', 'Most Wanted', and 'Do you know these people?' and it will run for an initial three month trial period. The Rogues Gallery will be updated on a regular basis with new convictions to highlight how the public have helped Surrey Police put criminals ‘Behind Bars’. It will also be updated regularly with those ‘Most Wanted’ or suspected of being involved in burglaries. Anyone with information can call Surrey Police on 101, or anonymously on 0800 555 111 if they don’t want to give their name.
Message from your Surrey Police Safer Neighbourhood Team
As of 1st September 2011, our 0845 125 2222 number was replaced with 101, offering the public one easy and memorable way to contact the Force and report non-emergencies. This complements the postal address change that happened earlier this year to PO Box 101, GU1 9PE.
Phishing for a Tax Rebate
Some of you may have received an email which seems to come from HM Revenue & Customs which asks you to make contact with them about a possible Tax Rebate. Do not be tempted. These are "phishing" emails trying to get you to disclose personal details for the purpose of fraud.
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) will never send notifications of a tax rebate by email, or ask you to disclose personal or payment information by email. Fake email addresses used to distribute the tax rebate emails include:
If you have already given any of your personal information, for example your HMRC User ID, password or National Insurance number, in reply to a suspect email please email brief details to: security.custcon@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk
Please do not disclose any of your personal details or information in the email report to HMRC. However it would help them to investigate if you would tell them the type(s) of information that you disclosed to the suspect website. For example - I gave my name, address, date of birth, bank card details, HMRC User ID etc.
To be completely safe from phishers, do not select links in emails. If in doubt, close your browser, reopen it, and type the
web address for the site you want to visit directly into the address bar.
Police warn residents to be wary of bank card scam
Surrey Police is warning residents about an emerging scam in which fraudsters use false pretences to try and get people’s bank cards.
The scam works by the victim initially receiving a phone call, or number of phone calls, from someone claiming to be from their bank. The caller checks the victim’s details, including asking for their pin number, then informs them that they need a new bank card. The victim is advised that someone will be visiting them shortly to collect their old card. A person, dressed to look like a courier, then arrives at the door to take the card.
In Surrey there have been six reported incidents of pensioners being targeted by fraudsters using this method over the last week.
In one incident, which occurred at an address in Fetcham on Thursday (25 August), £2,500 was taken from the 79-year-old victim’s bank account. The homeowner was told by the caller that they needed a new bank card. Due to the amount of information that the caller had about the victim he believed the call was genuine and gave his pin number when requested. He then received a further call informing him that a courier would be arriving to take his ‘old’ bank card. The caller stayed on the line while the card was handed over to the ‘courier’. The victim became suspicious later that night and on visiting his bank on Friday (26 August) discovered the money had been taken from his account.
The other incidents occurred at addresses in Leatherhead, Ashtead and Epsom.
Detective Sergeant Vicki Morris, who is investigating these incidents, said: “It is important that residents are aware of the tactics used by con-artists. This scam works due to the two pronged approach of first calling the victim on the phone and then visiting their property. If someone turned up at your door and asked you to hand over your bank cards, you would most likely be wary and refuse, but having someone call beforehand to warn you that a ‘courier’ will be coming can make it seem more legitimate.
“I would urge householders never to give out bank details or other personal information over the phone whatever the reason behind the request. Banks would never operate in this way either by phoning or turning up out of the blue. They would write to customers and would expect them to cut up cards personally when they expired.
“This is a worrying scam which is clearly being aimed at the most vulnerable members of our community. I would urge families, friends and carers to explain to others who may be at risk what they should do to protect themselves. If at anytime a resident feels suspicious they should contact Surrey Police as soon as possible.”