Archive Planning Applications
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29A Abbotswood
Remove group of Lawsonianas on the rear boundary and replant with Thujas to match adjoining shrubs
14 Abbotswood
Proposed alteration to roof to form a more satifactory junction between the original roof and a later addition and to form a new crossover and pair of gates to allow in and out access to the existing drive.
21 Abbotswood
Tree 1: Apple - removal of broken branch and deadwood. Crown reduction in height by approx. 1.5m - 2m and lateral spread by approx 1m. Tree 2: Portuguese Laurel - reduction of height by approximately 1.5m. Tree 3: Prunus - crown reduction in height by approximately 1.5m - 2m and lateral spread by approximately 1.5m. Tree 4: Portuguese Laurel - crown reduction in height by approximately 1m and lateral spread by approximately 1m. Tree 5: Pear -crown reduction in height by approximately 1m - 1.5m and lateral spread by approximately 1m, particularly over garage roof.
8 Abbotswood Close
Application to erect a new dwelling with parking in the garden of 8 Abbotswood Close following the demolition of an existing double garage and the creation of a new parking area in front of 8 Abbotswood Close.
Appeal received
27 Abbotswood
Fell Mountain Ash (T1); Fell Elaeagnus (T2); Reduce crown and reduce height of Laurel (T3); Fell Magnolia (T4); Fell Conifer (T5).
36A Abbotswood
Replace the existing front hedge consisting of a mix of species including Horse Chestnut, Sycamore, Ash, Oak, Hawthorn, Yew and Laurel, and replace with hedge of Laurel or Conifer. Also remove three Conifers that form part of the hedge, are too close to brick gate pillars and are leaning due to previous high winds. This is a repeat application of 14/T/00117 from May 2014 which was granted.
29A Abbotswood
Application to convert an existing integral garage into habitable accommodation with the addition of a new window to the front elevation.
45 Abbotswood
This application is a variation to the previous planning consent 18/P/00372. In addition to the previous extension, the proposal is to now incorporate bedrooms in the roof space at second floor level which will involve the addition of some new dormer windows. The variation also involves the removal of the proposed new chimney to the living area and its replacement with a bay window.
42 Abbotswood
Proposed replacement driveway with new front boundary wall, gates and railings.
9 Abbotswood
Fell two poplar trees in rear garden associated with recent subsidence (refer to Engineer's Report)
15 Abbotswood
Alterations to approved elevations by modifying the number of glass panels in the rear & side bay windows and first floor rear windows, flat roofs over those bay windows and new brick finish on the right hand side of rear elevation. Alteration to north side elevation by adding an existing window and existing wall finish and change to wall finish on the right hand side of front elevation.
47A Abbotswood
T1 Horse Chestnut. Reduce height by 5 metres and spread by 3 metres
T2 Lime Tree. Reduce height by 5 metres and spread by 1 metre
T3 Lime Tree. Reduce height by 5 metres and spread by 1 metre
22 Abbotswood
Proposed two storey rear extension, conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation, creation of new drive and vehicular access with brick piers and painted iron gate and erection of low level brick wall with hedge above linking existing house to garage.
33 Abbotswood
Cut off lower branch of Cherry Tree and remove dead branches from Ash Tree all in rear garden
Hurdestoke, London Road (next Stoke Park Farm)
Erection of a traditional oak framed barn style outbuilding to be used for ancillary residential purposes, following the demolition of an existing outbuilding.
22 Abbotswood
Proposed two storey rear extension to main house; new double garage to side of house; creation of new access with erection of brick posts and gated dropped kerb; conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation and erection of new outbuilding with glass walkway link and pathway to main house; and addition of lantern rooflight to north east elevation.
8 Abbotswood Close
Erection of new dwelling with parking spaces in front garden following demolition of existing double garage
38 Abbotswood
Reduce crown of Eucalyptus tree in front garden by 50% and reshape.
42 Abbotswood
T1 and T2 (Common Robinia) and T3 and T4 (Weeping Willows) - Fell all trees.
21 Abbotswood
Application for Certificate of Lawfulness to establish whether an outbuilding in the rear garden is deemed to be permitted develoment
Decided subject to method statement for tree protection
22 Abbotswood
Proposed two storey rear extension, conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation, proposed new outbuilding with glazed link to existing garage, new double garage to front with new driveway and new gate with brick posts leading to new crossover.
37A Abbotswood
Proposed two storey front extension with alterations to existing porch and modifications to the balustrade to first floor balcony.
15 Abbotswood
T1 – Thusa (subject to TPO) - lift crown to 3.5 m to suitable pruning points and reduce lower leaning stem by 0.5–1 m back to suitable pruning points to re-balance tree shape; T2 - Lawson Cypress – lift crown to 3 m to suitable pruning points: T3 - Thusa - lift crown to 3 m to suitable pruning points; T4 – Silver Birch - lift crown to 3 m to suitable pruning points.
Decided. Tree work approved with conditions.
29A Abbotswood
Raise canopy of mature chestnut tree in front garden by removing the two lowest branches
35A Abbotswood
Application to put solar panels on the roof of each of the side elevations
Decided. Full application required.
Willowbrook. Spur Road
Single storey rear extension. Replacement of hipped roof with dormer to create habitable accommodation in the loft space. Changes to fenestration and landscaping.
21 Abbotswood
Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness to determine whether an outbuilding in the rear garden is deemed to be "permitted development"
21 Abbotswood
Fell two leylandii Cypress trees in rear garden and replace with Prunus/Silver Birch or Acer.
21 Abbotswood
Certificate of lawfulness to establish whether a single storey outbuilding would be lawful
35A Abbotswood
Variation to condition 2 (drawing numbers) and condition 6 (boundary treatment) of application no 17/P/00934, approved on 20/07/2017 to change external finishes, remove one window, add two roof lights and show boundary treatments to include new gate and piers at 35A Abbotswood, Guildford, GU1 1UZ.
26 Abbotswood
T1 Poplar: To reduce the crown back to previous pollard points by approximately 4m to maintain previous height due to location. T2 Conifer: To reduce the height by approximately 3m due to included union.
13 Abbotswood
T1 - Thuja. Lift crown to 5 metres. T2 - Fell decaying Purple Leaf Plum. T3 - Fell misshapen Cherry. G4 - Fell Elder and Berberis. T5 - Remove branches of Oak rubbing on Eucalyptus back to suitable growth points.
45 Abbotswood
Two storey rear and side extension with new chimney. Changes to fenestration. Tile hanging added to part front and side elevations.
26A Abbotswood
T1 Oak Thin crown by 15%. T2 Fir Fell. T3 Yew Fell.
T4 Oak Crown lift by 4 metres.
T5 Chestnut Fell. T6 Ash Fell
T7 Chestnut Crown lift by 6 metres.
Hurdestoke. off the London Road.
New front porch, new gabled roof, new single storey rear and side extensions and conversion of detached barn to provide ancillary accommodation including raising the roof and changes to fenestration.
45 Abbotswood
Part two storey / part single storey rear extension. Addition of chimney to side (south). Centralize existing gable on rear and insertion of three dormer windows. Insertion of dormer window to front and pitched roof to dormer over new porch, alterations to fenestration.
25 Abbotswood
Raise canopy to three oak trees in rear garden and prune two apple trees in front garden
21 Abbotswood
Prunus (T1) to be felled. Prune back Chestnut (T2) by 2-3 metres. Pollard Poplar (T3) by 4-5 metres back to previous points.
6 Abbotswood
Fell dead fir tree (T1) in front garden and fell dead pear tree (T2) in rear garden.
46 Abbotswood
Prune back branches to Goats Willow to suitable growth points where they overhang the boundary with 47A Abbotswood.
35A Abbotswood
Proposed new dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling and garage (revised application)
15 Abbotswood
Non material Amendment re 14/P/02282. Window on upper rear ground floor to be double panel width similar to one on ground floor. 3 bays on lower ground floor to be full width bi-fold door as opposed to french doors with side panel windows.
34 Abbotswood
Application to remove/fell a number of Cypress trees on the North West boundary with Tylor's Croft.
2 Westward Ho
Erection of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension following demolition of existing garage, utility room and existing conservatory.
2 Abbotswood
Minor amendments to application 15/P/01990 approved 17th February 2016
15 Abbotswood
Fell Silver Birch (subject to TPO) and replace with Field Maple (Acer Campestre) of 12-14cm girth
38B Abbotswood
Ash (T1) - cut back to boundary line; Parotia Persica (T2) - remove limbs overhanging garage roof to boundary line; Ash (T3) - remove one lowest limb; Small group of three Elm suckers (G4) - fell; Oak (T5) - fell and replace with Betula Alba; Poplar (T6) - remove four lowest limb and crown lift to achieve 3.0 metres clearance from ground level; Oak (T7) - crown lift to achieve 3.0 metres clearance from ground level.
35A Abbotswood
Erection of new dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling and garage (revised application)
Appeal lodged 26th June 2017
45 Abbotswood
Remove deadwood from existing oak tree. Lift lower limbs to 9m and thin crown by 15%.
35A Abbotswood
Erection of new dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling and garage
33 Abbotswood
Reduce crown of willow by 4-5 metres by pollarding back to previously pollarded points.
15 Abbotswood
Discharge of conditions 3 (Approval of Materials) & 4 (Erection of Protective Fencing and other Protective Measures) of Planning Application 14/P/02282
Stoke Park Farm
Reduce height of T1 Leylandii by two metres; lightly prune T2 Eucalyptus; Fell dead Birch T3; Remove stump of dead Birch T4.
26B Abbotswood
Variation of condition 2 of the application 14/P/00589 for the replacement of the approved drawings which incorporate minor design alterations to the proposed dwelling.
34 Abbotswood
T1. Poplar. Fell to stump. T2-T6 reduce to, or just below, previous pollarding points.
2 Abbotswood
Mixed species ornamental group (G2) - cut back to give one metre clearance from building; Monterey Cypress (T5) - cut back to give two metre clearance from proposed extension (scheme approved under planning ref. 15/P/01990) (Abbotswood Conservation Area).
5 Abbotswood
Ash (T1) - fell; Leylandii (T2) - fell; Leylandii hedge (T3) - remove; Willow (T4) - reduce lower canopy to previous pollarding positions; Bay Tree (T5) - reduce canopy.
14 Abbotswood
Laburnum (T1) Hawthorn (T2) Sycamore (T3 & T5) Birch (T4 & T6) Hazel (T7) Cut back to fence line with 2 Wesward Ho.
4a Abbotswood
Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Consent 15/P/01874 to allow a larger utility room and to change the size of the bi-folding doors.
24 Westward Ho
Erection of single storey rear and side extension following demolition of existing rear extension.
37b Abbotswood
Conversion of a single integral garage for habitable use to a study/home office.
2 Abbotswood
Proposed single storey side extension, single storey rear extension and two storey side extension with changes to fenestration.
4A Abbotswood
Alterations to front and side elevations to include rendering and white paint to all external walls including garage, new windows, demolition of side conservatory and its replacement with utility room, repositioning of entrance door and infilling of porch enclosure and new velux windows to roof.
26 Abbotswood
Reduce Maple tree on boundary with 27 Abbotswood. Fell Horse Chestnut on rear boundary.
17 Abbotswood
Erection of new terrace with bike store underneath following demolition of existing terrace.
15 Abbotswood
Proposed three storey rear extension and two storey side extension
Appeal granted
35A Abbotswood
Alterations to existing dwelling: replacement of roof tiles, facias, soffits and barge boards. Replacement of doors and windows, insulated render to walls, the removal of the redundant boiler flue/chimney stack and new entrance gate.
The Clockhouse. 140 London Road
Erection of assisted living extra care accommodation for the frail elderly including communal facilities and car parking.
Revised drawings submitted on 12th March.
46 Abbotswood
T1 Fell Eucalyptus to ground level. T2 Fell multi-stemmed lime to ground level.
21A Abbotswood
Remove two dead branches from tree (Prunus Kansas) in front garden
26 Abbotswood
Discharge of Conditions 3,4,5,7,9,13,14 & 15 in respect of Application 14/P/00589
43A Abbotswood
Fell Purple Leaf Plum in rear garden. Fell Sycamore in front garden.
26A Abbotswood
T1 Horse Chestnut - Reduce overall size of crown by 25%. Remove dead, dying and dangerous branches. Crown lift to 8 metres from ground level. T2 Oak - Reduce overall size of crown by 20%. Remove dead, dying and dangerous branches. T4 Oak - Fell to near ground level. T8 Oak - Reduce overall size of crown by 25%. Crown lift to 4 metres from ground level. Remove dead, dying and dangerous branches. T9 Beech - Crown lift to 6 metres over applicants side only. T11 Oak - Reduce overall size of crown by 25%. Crown lift to 8 metres from ground level. A Rowan - Fell to ground level. B Scrub area - Fell and clear all scrub. C Ash & Holly - Fell to near ground level. D Failed tree on floor - Cut and remove failed tree and clear all scrub in area. E Pine, Holly & Yew saplings - Fell to near ground level all saplings and scrub back to boundary privet hedge. F Yew group and scrub - Fell to near ground level all Yews and scrub back to boundary privet hedge. G Lime sapling - Fell to near ground level. H Laurel & Willow stump - Fell to near ground level.
Registered 25th July 2014
20 Abbotswood
Fell existing dead cherry tree (T1) and replace with new apple tree
26A Abbotswood
Application to vary original consent by adding a bedroom and ensuite bathroom in the loft space with velux windows on the rear and north facing facades
18 Abbotswood
Proposed demolition of existing conservatory and the construction of a single storey rear extension.
36A Abbotswood
The felling of two conifer trees and the replacement of an existing mixed hedge with a laural or conifer hedge
13 Abbotswood
Demolition of existing rear extension and construction of a single storey extension with associated hard and soft landscaping
26 Abbotswood
Erection of a four bedroom detached dwelling and garage with associated landscaping on land adjacent to 26 Abbotswood.
34 Abbotswood
Ash (T1) - remove large low limb extending East (36cm diameter); Ash (T2) - remove low limb extending West (20cm diameter) and crown thin by 15-20%; Three x Leylandii - reduce height by 50% and trim remaining low growth as hard as possible without baring (Abbotswood Conservation Area).
46 Abbotswood
Application to fell large Ash tree due to cavities in trunk and significant crown dieback.
39 Abbotswood
Prune deadwood from Copper Beech (T1), fell dead Acacia (T2), and remove one small branch from Lime Tree (T3)
40 Abbotswood
Removal of dead branches from oak tree in rear garden. Crown thin by 10%.
7 Abbotswood
Replacement of existing impermeable asphalt drive with permeable 10mm gravel drive with new edging
26 Abbotswood
Revision to planning consent 13/P/01260 (two storey extension to the rear of the existing house, new driveway leading up to the front of the house and the removal of part of the garage) approved 30/09/2013, to include the conversion of the loft space and the addition of two roof lights and two dormer windows.
6 Abbotswood
Remedial work to storm damage. T1 fell remaining trunk and grind out stump. T2 grind out stump.
4 Abbotswood
Reduce by 30% two large Scots Pines that are overhanging the neighbour's garden
13 Abbotswood
Lift crown to 4m and remove lower dead branches to Western Red Cedar
35 Abbotswood
G1 - 3x Lombardy Poplar: Crown lift to 4m and remove growth at base. T2 - Willow: Reduce crown by 4-5 metres all round. T3 - Horse Chestnut: Reduce crown by 3m all round. R4 - Row of Cypress: Reduce height to just above security ligth and fell dead tree at end of row.
38 Abbotswood
Fell three trees in rear garden (Golden Cypress, Leylandii and Field Maple)
The Clockhouse. 140 London Road.
Proposed assisted living extra care accommodation for the frail
elderly including communal facilities with associated landscaping and parking.
Appeal hearing set for 16 April 2014 at Millmead.
15 Abbotswood
Application to fell mature Western Red Cedar and common Silver Birch.
26 Abbotswood
Two storey extension and new terrace to the rear of the existing house,
new driveway leading up to the house and removal of part of the garage.
30 Abbotswood
Remove one branch from Field Maple which is interfering with neighbour's BT line.
31 Abbotswood
T1 Portugese Laurel; reduce crown to 4 metres height and 4 metres spread, trim and shape. T2 - Lawsons Cypress; reduce crown to 4 metres height and 4 metres spread, trim and shape. T3 - Yew; lift crown to 2.5 metres above ground, trim and shape. T4 - Yew; lift crown to 2.5 metres above ground, trim and shape. T5 - Horse Chestnut; lift crown to 2.5 metres above ground, trim and shape. T6 Laurel; reduce crown spread to 3 metres, trim and shape.