Current Planning Applications

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6 Abbotswood Close


The erection of a replacement dwelling following the demolition of the existing house.

Awaiting decision

17 Abbotswood


Conversion of raised terrace area to habitable accommodation.

Approved 9th January 2025

40 Abbotswood


English Oak -Selective limb reduction on 25% of the overall crown & overextended laterals to
rebalance and lift limbs near hedges, giving clearance. 20% thin of the epicormic growth within the

Approved 29th November 2024

21 Abbotswood


Proposed erection of two outbuildings following demolition of one summerhouse.

Awaiting decision

29A Abbotswood


Erection of a single garage and plant room including associated works

Awaiting decision

28 Abbotswood


Reconfigurations and alterations to existing building including changes to fenestration and a new portico over the existing front door together with front boundary railings and gates.

Approved 11th December 2024

8 Abbotswood


Proposed single storey and two storey rear extensions, new side dormer window and enlargement of existing dormer window, four new rooflights, and minor changes to fenestration. Some internal reconfiguration.

Approved 16th October 2024.

21 Abbotswood


Single storey side extension, front porch, changes to fenestration at rear, installation of solar panels to roof.

Approved 6th November 2024.

7 Abbotswood Close


Single storey front extension, first floor side extension, part single, part two storey rear extension and conversion of garage to habitable accommodation.

Approved 22nd August 2024

6 Abbotswood Close


Part one and part two-storey front, side and rear extensions, single-storey side and rear extensions, two rear facing dormer windows, a rooflight to the front facing roof slope and associated landscaping works. 

Refused 9th July 2024

38A Abbotswood


T1 - Leylandii - fell to ground

T2 - Cupressus - fell to ground

Approved 7th June 2024

44 Abbotswood


(T1) Palm Tree - fell palm tree in back garden, which has outgrown its location, to ground level.

Approved 31st May 2024

8 Abbotswood


(T1) Sycamore - Raise the canopy to create 4m ground to canopy clearance. (T2) Ash - Raise the canopy to create 5m ground to canopy clearance. Remove major deadwood and dead ivy from the tree (deadwood exempt work). (T3) Magnolia - Raise the canopy to create 2.4m ground to canopy clearance. (T4) Sycamore - Raise the canopy to create 6m ground to canopy clearance, prune back the lateral profile from over the kids play area by 2.5m using drop crotch pruning techniques to leave an approx. finished branch length of 4.5m and remove major deadwood from the tree. (T5) Ash - Carry out a lateral reduction back from the garden by up to 3m using drop crotch pruning techniques to leave an approx. finished branch length of 4.5m and remove major deadwood from the tree. (T6) Triple stem Ash - Fell/remove. Extensive decay at the base and Ganoderma spp bracket present (T7) Sycamore - Raise the canopy to 5m from ground level and remove the major deadwood from over the garden. Further deadwood removal is being carried out within the garden on other trees. 

Approved 20th May 2024

9 Abbotswood


T1 - Lime - prune back by 2-3.5 metres

T2 - Lime - prune back by 2 metres

T3 - Ash - pollard to height of 7 metres from ground level

T4 - Sycamore - reduce height by 3 metres

T5 - Lawson Cypress - fell dead tree to ground level

Approved 20th May 2024

7 Abbotswood Close


First floor side extension, single storey ground floor rear extension, together with conversion of garage to playroom.

Refused 21st May 2024

1 Abbotswood Close


Tree application to reduce the canopy of a Photina tree in the front garden by 1-2 metres all round.

Approved 17th January 2024

22 Abbotswood


Erection of rear orangery, additional oak framed carport to the side of the property and installation of front gates.

Approved 6th February 2024

27 Abbotswood


Discharge of Condition (Arboricultural Impact Assessment) for Planning Application 22/P/02042

Approved 15th January 2024

21 Abbotswood


Erection of two detached outbuildings in rear garden following the demolition of an existing summer hut.

Approved 19th January 2024

7 Abbotswood


Fell Oak tree T1 in front garden to ground level.

Approved 30th June 2023

9 Abbotswood


Fell existing Ash tree in rear garden due to Ash Die Back disease.

Approved 30th June 2023

29 Abbotswood


Proposed single storey side extension and rear extension with new detached garage and changes to fenestration following the removal of the existing garage and shed.

Approved 28th July 2023

1 Abbotswood


Reduce height of Leylandi hedge on rear boundary by 2 metres

Reduce height of Laurel hedge on boundary with the London Road by 50 cm.

Approved 10th May 2023

Millstones. Spur Road. Abbotswood.


T1 - Large Macrocarpa Tree. Lift crown by three metres.

T2 - Large Lime Tree. Reduce crown height by three metres and reduce radial width by three metres. The finished height to be 18 metres with an average radial spread of three metres. These works are to improve light to an adjacent property.

Approved 6th April 2023.

45 Abbotswood


Non material amendment to planning permission 19/P/01063 approved on 07/08/2019 to replace three panels of render above a window with glazing on the north west elevation.

Approved 16th March 2023

Burwood House, London Road.


Reduce height of conifer hedge by ten feet to about thirty feet in height.

Approved 22nd March 2023

Woodlands. 26A Abbotswood.


Reduce lateral limbs to Oak tree (T1) overhanging roof by 2 metres to suitable growth points. Remove heavily leaning Lime tree (T2) overhanging roof. Remove deadwood from Beech tree (T3)

Approved 24th April 2023

Tylers Croft, Abbotswood Close


Proposed five bedroon three storey detached dwelling and new garage following the demolition of an existing garage.

Refused 29th August 2023

27 Abbotswood


The addition of rooms in roofspace with new dormer windows, internal alterations and replacement front gates, new garage and outbuildings.

Approved 23rd March 2023

10 Abbotswood


Variation of Condition 2 of application 22/P/00930 approved on 26/07/22 to allow for changes to the approved replacement porch and the addition of an external loggia and the removal of two first floor windows.

Approved 21st March 2023

45 Abbotswood


The replacement of two existing sheds with a brick built structure at ground floor level only.

Approved 18th January 2023

29A Abbotswood


Non material amendment to planning application 21/P/02470 approved 10/2/2022 for the relocation of a rooflight from the rear side elevation to the rear elevation and the insertion of a rooflight to the front elevation to the right hand side.

Approved 18th January 2023

29 Abbotswood


Fell cedar tree in rear garden

Appproved 20th December 2022

17 Abbotswood


Erection of a single storey pool house with ancillary rooms

Approved 25th January 2023

Tylers Croft, Abbotswood Close


Erection of a detached dwelling with associated access, parking and enabling works together with the erection of a new garage to Tylers Croft following the demolition of an existing garage.

Application withdrawn

6 Abbotswood


T1 - Pyracanthus - Fell tree

T2 - Pyracanthus - Reduce crown by 40% or remove

T3 - Purple Leaf Plum - Remove dead wood from tree or fell tree if not viable

The purpose of this application is to reinstate a permit to carry out work to trees in a conservation area first granted permission in 28th July 2020 under tree application 21/T/00176

Approved 15th August 2022

32 Abbotswood


Parrotia Tree - reduce top and sides by two metres and lift crown by two metres and shape.

Approved 15th July 2022

10 Abbotswood


Variation of condition 2 (approved drawoings) of planning permission 20/P/02123

Approved 26th July 2022

21 Abbotswood


Certificate of Lawfulness to establish whether the erection of two outbuildings (a garden room and a small gymnasium in the back garden) would be lawful.

Approved 15th June 2022

17 Abbotswood


Erection of a detached double garage in the front garden.

Refused 10th October 2022

37B Abbotswood


T1 Pine Tree - remove lowest limb over drive

T2 Pine Tree - remove two lowest limbs over drive and two dead limbs growing towards house

T3 Pine Tree - reduce height by 6 metres leaving a height of 14 metres

Approved 9th March 2022

3 Abbotswood


Proposed single storey side and single storey rear extension with the removal of two bay windows and changes to fenestration.

Approved 12th April 2022

3 Abbotswood


Reduce crown of Willow Tree in back garden by 4-5 metres

Approved 7th March 2022

1A Abbotswood


Proposed replacement of windows on the front elevation with double glazed units

Approved 1st March 2022

29A Abbotswood


Proposed conversion of existing roofspace to provide two bedrooms with two new dormer windows to the rear and two Velux style rooflights to the front and side. Replacement of rear hipped roof with new gable roof.

Approved 10th February 2022

21 Abbotswood


Proposed new front porch and new side extension following demolition of existing porch and proposed new two storey rear extension.

Refused 18th August 2022

13 Abbotswood


Erection of a rear conservatory following the demolition of an existing conservatory and the replacement of single glazed leaded light windows with double glazed leaded lights throughout.

Approved 31st January 2022

The Gatehouse 1A Abbotswood


Fell mature conifer in rear garden

Approved 26th October 2021

3 Abbotswood


Reduce crown of willow tree in rear garden by 1 metre overall

Approved 19th October 2021

41 Abbotswood


Proposed new timber gates on timber posts mounted just behind existing brick pillars

Approved 24th November 2021

29 Abbotswood


Application to build a single storey rear extension with some changes to the fenestration of the existing property

Approved 27th January 2022

29 Abbotswood


Application to fell an apple tree in the rear garden

Approved 17th September 2021

Elisa. Abbotswood Close


Application for a single storey side and rear extension.

Approved 29th July 2021

17 Abbotswood


Conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation with front-facing dormer window above. First floor rear extension including juliet balcony and other changes to fenestration, replacement of roof tiles and other external alterations.

Approved 11th August 2021

45 Abbotswood


Application to trim the top of a prunus laurocerasus hedge to the front of the property; to reduce the crown of prunus Cerasifera tree which is overhanging the highway; to trim and prune the hedge ovehanging the right hand side of the driveway.

Approved 18th June 2021

35B Abbotswood


Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness to establish whether the replacement of the existing wooden windows and doors with double or triple glazed windows and doors in ether wood, metal or uPVC would be lawful.

Approved 24th November 2021

1A Abbotswood


Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness to determine whether a timber summerhouse in the rear garden is deemed permitted development.

Approved 8th June 2021

1A Abbotswood


Application to fell a line of eight to ten Leylandii on the rear boundary.


14 Abbotswood


Application to erect a summer house and a garden shed following the demolition of an existing shed.

Approved 3rd November 2021

38B Abbotswood


Extension to existing detached garage following demolition of existing greenhouse.


4 Abbotswood


3 x Thuja's (T1, T2 & T3) - reduce height by 1.5 metres to previous reduction points and trim back.


9 Abbotswood


Certificate of lawfulness to establish whether the proposed single storey detached outbuilding is lawful.


21A Abbotswood


Proposed erection of a single storey rear extension, with alterations to the front elevation including a porch extension, dual pitch gable roof above existing garage, changes to external material of brick to white render on the front and side elevation on the first floor, removal of a chimney stack and changes to fenestration.


35B Abbotswood


Certificate of Lawfulness for a proposed development to establish whether the resurfacing of the driveway with porous materials would be lawful.


9 Abbotswood


Permission is sought to remove the two lowest branches of a Horse Chestnut leaving a crown height of 12 metres and a spread of four metres, and to reduce the crown height of a Lime Tree to 8 metres and its spread by 1.5 metres. Both trees are in the back garden.


10 Abbotswood


Permission is sought for a variation of condition 2 of application 10/P/01580 approved 16/12/2010 for the substitution of drawings PL/101 Rev C, PL/102 Rev C and PL/103 Rev C received on 18/06/2020, to be replaced by PL/101 Rev H, PL/102 Rev G and PL/103 Rev J. 


35 Abbotswood


T1 Chestnut - reduce limbs over wall by three metres and remove deadwood and hung. T2 Beech Tree - reduce limbs extending towards 35 Selbourne Road by two metres.


15 Abbotswood


Application for retrospective planning consent for a variation to Condition 4 in that the extension as built is not entirely in accordance with the approved drawings.


13 Abbotswood


Application to fell a mature Eucalyptus Tree because of its proximity to the building and because it is causing subsidence. Also seeking permission to cut back the branches of a mature oak which is touching the building and to raise the canopy by one metre.


35B Abbotswood


Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for a pair of metal gates to an existing driveway


35B Abbotswood


Removal of a dangerous tree in the front garden


29A Abbotswood


Proposed single storey side extension


40 Abbotswood


Thin out crown of Oak tree in rear garden by 15% and remove dead wood


14 Abbotswood


Applcation to build an outdoor swimming pool in the front garden at 14 Abbotswood


4 Abbotswood


Application for retrospective planning consent for a timber trellis on the rear boundary


33 Abbotswood


Reduce height of Willow tree by about a half and repollard remaining stems


18 Abbotswood


Reduce conifer hedge along the front boundary by 3 metres and trim the side by 0.2 metres (Abbotswood Conservation Area)


22 Abbotswood


Purple leaf plum (T5) - fell and replace with the same species; Judas tree (T6) - fell and replace with the same species (Abbotswood Conservation Area).


6 Abbotswood


Fell Pyracanthus (T1) because it is falling away from the house. Reduce crown of Pyracanthus (T2) because of excessive shading. Remove deadwood from Purple Leaf Plum (T3) and prune to promote new growth. (Abbotswood Conservation Area).


3A Abbotswood


T1 & T2 Leylandi - reduce crown height from 11m to 6m, reduce width from 8m to 6m.
T3 Leylandi/Conifer - reduce crown height by 30% and trim width.
T4, T5, & T6 Sycamore - reduce height from 11m to 6m and trim.
T7 Ash - reduce crown height from 13m to 8m, trim and thin.


10 Abbotswood


Variation of condition 2 (drawing numbers) of planning application 10/P/01580 allowed on appeal (APP/Y3615/D/10/2140083) 16/12/2010, to allow for changes to the fenestration and roof height of the front extension.


22 Abbotswood


Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 19/P/00769 approved on 25/06/2019, to allow changes to the approved scheme (ancillary outbuilding and gates).

Consultation period expires 17th July 2020

3 Abbotswood


Work to a number of trees in the back garden including Macrocarpa (T1) - reduce crown height from 11m to 6m and width from 8m up to 6m; Castlewellan (T2) - reduce crown height from 11m to 6m and width from 8m up to 6m.; Cypress (T5) - reduce crown height from 11m to 6m and width from 8m up to 4m; Fir (T6) - fell; Fir tree (T7) - fell; Fir tree (T8) - fell; Acer (T9) - crown thin by less than 20%; Persian ironwood (T10) - crown thin by less than 20%; Swamp cypress (T11) - crown thin by less than 20%; Liquid amber (T12) - remove deadwood. Decided

22 Abbotswood


This application provides full details of top surface of the new driveway and access, inlcuding colour & finish. The hardstanding area on the frontage shall have a pourous surface. Conditions 3 and 9. (19/P/00769, approved 25/06/2019).

Registered 14th June 2020

27 Abbotswood


Proposed replacement front door, front windows and access gate to the property


29 Abbotswood


Fell three conifers on rear boundary. This work is connected to the hedge replacement at 29A Abbotswood, approved in a previous application, to replace overgrown hedging conifers with Thujas to match existing hedge.


33 Abbotswood


Application to fell an Ash Tree suffering from Ash dieback.


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